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ERREPI mandrel cutting


LEONARDO 380-530

Technical sheet

380 -  530

Paper width 380 mm   530mm

End roll Max diameter 350 mm 

Rewind shaft diameter  76mm /  25.4mm - 76mm  (18mm and 152mm  non-standard)

Speed   up to  200m/min / 

Cutting and gluing without slowing down 

Counterpoints for trees  stability  standard for the 530 mm model

Automatic adjustment of the working diameter from the touch screen control panel

Rollers closing with glue as standard; with optional blank/printed labels

Different loader systems  diameters  optional

Automatic unloading of end rolls

Electronic system to detect the movement of the machine upstream

non stop

The Non Stop "Leonardo" automatic rewinder is the ideal machine for rewinding labels and not in rolls, guaranteeing great performance, increased productivity and ease of use, without neglecting the quality standards that the market demands.

non stop
non stop

The No Stop "Leonardo" automatic rewinder is the ideal machine for rewinding labels and not in rolls, guaranteeing great performance, increased productivity and great ease of use, without neglecting the quality standards that the market demands.

It can rewind in cores of different diameters from 20 to 76 mm, and allows to obtain finished rolls up to 350 mm in diameter with a predefined number of labels from the operator.

Format changes are regulated by the operator's panel, and the special shaft hooks allow a quick and easy change (5 minutes!).

The ERREPI Srl "Leonardo" rewinder has reached the highest level of productivity and technology and is built without glue, a patented product that does not use glues;

Closure of the rolls is by label, neutral or inkjet printed for the transcription of the variable data of the standard. The locking and closing of the chucks is managed automatically by the machine.

The rewinding phase of the rollers is electronically managed by means of brushless motors, guaranteeing high precision in the tensions and movement of the strips, and offering the possibility of managing the tension as desired.

The "Leonardo" rewinder is equipped with a touch screen that allows easy adjustment of the machine's working parameters with an easy-to-use interface. It can be connected to any upstream machine, printing and not, with speed detection managed by encoder.

It can be equipped with a load of chucks  manual, semi-automatic or fully automated according to requirements, available in bands 380-530 mm.

The "Leonardo" rewinder is our company's most demanded and best-selling machine, simple, efficient and very productive.

Practical in the settings and with continuous monitoring of the production process.

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